
Start Fundraising

Sample Event

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New to fundraising? First time participating in Tour De Summer Camps? Need a refresher course to boost your total? We’re here to help! Follow these easy steps to becoming a successful fundraiser, and cruise your way into fundraising success!


Personalize your fundraising page by logging in to your Fundraising HQ.

There you can:

  • Share your reasons for riding by editing the text on your page.
  • Create or change your custom URL that links directly to your fundraising page.
  • Upload your own images or videos.
  • Set or change your fundraising goal.

Now that you have a spiffy new personal fundraising page, share the link with everyone you know and ask them to sponsor you for Tour De Summer Camps. Don’t be afraid to follow up or send reminders, and remember to thank your donors!

You can share the link by: 

  • Sending an email through your Fundraising HQ—the link is automatically included in all messages you send and there are templates to choose from and customize!
  • Connecting your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts to your HQ to post outreach messages to all your social media contacts.
  • Copying and pasting your custom URL into your fundraising outreach emails directly.


Post your personal Tour de Summer Camps fundraising page to ALL your social media channels and link it to your personal page! Advance your fundraising strategies and connect with your social media followers.

Do the following:

  • Tell your followers WHY you are participating in The Jewish Federation's Tour de Summer Camps. People are a lot more likely to help you out when they see HOW they are making an impact.
  • Tag the people and organizations you want to reach! A simple tag will notify the person or organization, so they have to look at your post.
  • Update your followers! Donors want to see how you are doing with your fundraising efforts. Keep them in the loop and remember every donation counts! Thank all your donors and show them your appreciation!
  • Post pictures to let your followers know what you are doing to reach your fundraising goals. When your followers see all the hard work and effort you are putting in they will be more likely to contribute.